4 Simple Ways to Foster Creativity for Students

It can be tough to find ways to exercise your creativity once the semester is in full swing and the assignments, projects, and tests start adding up. So how do you strike an effective balance between achieving good grades and finding fun, creative outlets? 

We’re sharing four simple ways to unleash your creativity this semester.

  1. Excel at Group Work

The mere mention of “group assignment” can bring up bad memories of disproportionate work and late nights, but getting involved with students from different backgrounds that have their own unique approach to problem solving presents you with an opportunity to discover and share new ideas—which is a great way to stimulate creative thoughts! 

Pro Tip:If you want to avoid losing group momentum, make sure you find collaborative tools that allow your team to function efficiently and keep the ideas flowing. 

We recommend Markup. Markup is one of Kdan’s best collaboration tools, and lets you create teams within the app where you can easily share documents, web clippings, video files, and other research in one mobile location. 


  1. Learn to Draw

Wherever you are in your education journey, you’ve probably got a very comfortable way of doing things by now. That’s great! 

But did you know that learning a new skill, like drawing, is a great way to get outside of your traditional thought process, help you remember facts better, and even improve the way in which you perceive the world around you! (Bigthink.com)

Pro Tip: If you’re going to embark on learning to draw, it’s a good idea to choose a tool that lets you explore the new skill without having to get too technical. 

We suggest Animation Desk, Kdan’s popular animation tool makes it easy for anyone from beginner to expert to draw or create amazing animations!


  1. Learn New Ways to Communicate

Without thinking—where do you get the majority of you information? Social media. In fact, as many as 68% of Americans get information (at least to some degree) on mobile devices.

Even if you’re not planning a career in the media, the digital age requires us to rethink how we communicate. One of the most effective ways to do this is with visual storytelling. Learning how to tell stories in video form is a great skill to learn—and chances are you’ll need to create a video project at some point too!

Pro Tip: Look for simple-to-use video-editing tools. Advanced editing can be tricky, but there’s plenty of options available at little to no cost that let you get your first taste of video editing. Tools like iMovie or Write-on Video make video-editing simple to learn the basics of visual communication. 

Write-on video

  1. Experiment with All 3 Types of Learning

You’ve probably taken numerous tests that tell if you’re a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. Whichever classification you fall under, there’s advantages to working with your other senses. It helps you take in more information and challenges you to think of new ways to process and record ideas.

Pro Tip: Rather than abandoning your favorite style of creating notes—be it typing, writing by hand, recording audio files, etc.—find a method that lets you get creative and experiment with new methods while also allowing you to stick with what you know. NoteLedge is the perfect tool for the job. NoteLedge lets you create multimedia notes that include handwritten or typed text, videos, audio files, web clippings and more!


Try Creativity 365 for Students and Teachers

The new semester is here, and you can access all of the tools mentioned in this post, plus 1TB of secure Kdan Cloud Storage, as part of the Creativity 365 suite of apps


Students and teachers can access these tools for a discount using their institutional email address!

Author: Joey DiGangi III

Joey DiGangi is a global marketing specialist with Kdan Mobile, located in the US office in Pennsylvania. He graduated in May 2018 from Juniata College with a degree in marketing management and a minor in communication.