5 Insider Hacks from the NoteLedge Team

It takes more than creativity and technical skills to build an app. Experimentation, communication, and teamwork are key to keeping the project up and running. For our NoteLedge team, the best way to refine a product is to put ourselves in the users’ shoes and use it in our daily workflow.

Today we’re sharing some insider hacks. Read on and learn how our staff use NoteLedge to generate ideas, facilitate communication, and deliver a better user experience. You just might discover useful tips you’ve never thought of before. Continue reading “5 Insider Hacks from the NoteLedge Team”

5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success

The usual interpretation of creativity is often associated with art and design. For example, painting a picture or designing a new room layout are all part of definition of creativity. But creativity can be employed in every aspect of life. Creative people think of valuable and practical ways of doing things. They discover new ideas and possibilities. This kind of creativity has become essential in the modern, competitive world of business and is an incredible transferable skill for those who can master it. Continue reading “5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success”

Transform Your Life with Time Management

“If only there were more hours in a day,” my friend sighed in yearning.

We have all been here, physically and mentally exhausted by the sheer amount of things we need to do. If only there were robots capable of transforming the information in our brains into organized, precise, time efficient actions. Lucky for us, we already have one if not multiple ‘robots’ capable of transforming into time management superstars, our smart devices. Following are some tips to help you accomplish this. Continue reading “Transform Your Life with Time Management”

How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone

Welcome back to part two of our Photography series, in our previous piece we talked about how to better your iPhone photography skills. At Kdan Mobile, it’s safe to say we’re big fans of animals and know how many people out there have pets of their own that they love dearly. Capturing photos of an unpredictable and moving subject such as a dog, a cat, a horse, or another animal can be sometimes tricky – but don’t worry, that’s where we come in to help! Continue reading “How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone”

Point, Shoot & Click – iPhone Photography Tips

Ansel Adams once said, “there are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”

The emergence of the iPhone has given more people than ever before the access to a quality camera and turned more and more into photographers. In 2016 alone, it was estimated that there were 1.1 trillion photos taken across the globe and 81.3% of those people used a mobile phone to capture their images (source: mylio).

With the rise in popularity of iPhone photography, these are some tips that we have compiled to help take your creativity and photography skills to the next level. Continue reading “Point, Shoot & Click – iPhone Photography Tips”