Kdan’s 10th Anniversary | Improving the World Outside the Office

Kdan Team

Kdan’s 10th anniversary celebration is based around the idea of working to positively impact the world over the next decade. One way we’re doing this by planting trees to physically represent our dedication to improving the environment. This tree planting ceremony took place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, a city just outside of our company’s headquarters.

“We have demonstrated our commitment to better the world with our service offerings and we plan to continue forging forward,” explained Kenny Su, Kdan’s founder and CEO. “Looking ahead, Kdan will be a business that takes on social responsibility. I am glad we symbolize that endeavor as part of our milestone celebration.”0426_190427_0038

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary

As Kdan continues to grow and move forward, it’s important to take a moment to say “thanks” to the individuals that helped us grow over the past decade. 10 years of growth is a very rewarding and humbling accomplishment. Because of this we wanted to show the team exactly what it means to be apart of this growth and show how important each key is to the overall company.

Nothing is able to grow unless all of its pieces are working together. From the team members to the 5 Million fantastic users, this milestone could not have been reached without you all. Here at Kdan, we understand the importance of what each individual brings to the overall picture. For any growing company, the most important asset is having motivated workers and loyal customers to work together for a bigger purpose.DSC01978

Planting A Tree To Grow Over The Next Decade

Our software solutions are pushing individuals and teams to go paperless and decrease their impact on the environment. Going paperless not only reduces your carbon footprint, but also makes you and your team more efficient–talk about a win-win!0426_190427_0006

Helping the environment is just like growing a company or planting a tree. It takes many individual steps–from digging the soil, to the planting of the tree, and nurturing it with water and other nutrients–doing the little things right start to add up!0426_190427_0014

Wishes For The Future

The best thing to do after reflecting on your past growth is planning how you are going to continue getting better in the future. During this celebration, our team members took a moment to reflect on what they want for the future and focus on what they hold important. Whether it’s good health, success in business, or just good fortunes overall, staying focused on what matters most is essential.DSC01975

Now it’s your turn! After reflecting on what you have done over the past decade, what are some things you want for your future? Comment your answers below and see how you can start to make these changes.