12 Principles of Animation - Appeal and Character Design


Definition of Appeal in Character Design

Appealing here means charm. A charming character is not necessarily beautiful or handsome. An example is Olaf in Frozen: we are appealed by his warm personality and loyalty.

Use Shapes in Character Design

Psychological theories show that shapes give human different feelings. Some examples,

  • Circle: peaceful, harmonious, eternal
  • Square: reliable, stable, courage
  • Triangle: energetic, mobile, sporty

You can apply shapes in character design to emphasize the personality of a character.

Image source: tarkstuff.blogspot.com


The transformation in character design should be inspirational. We should avoid encouraging stereotypes against genders or any race.

Transformation in Character Design

The purpose of transforming a character is to exaggerate notable features. Let's use Olaf as an example again. His body proportion is similar to a baby, with larger heads and a smaller body. The transformation echoes to Olaf's naive and cheerful personality.


The transformation in character design should be inspirational. We should avoid encouraging stereotypes against genders or any race.

Contrast in Character Design

We can create a contrast between the looks and the personality of a character. For example, Akira Toriyama creates a contrast between age and physical strength in his character Master Roshi in Dragon Ball. The contrast is not only fun, but also makes the character memorable.

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