Telling An Engaging Story: Write-on Video’s Storyboard Creator

How to tell a fascinating story through videos? There are several essential elements that your videos must possess. Read on to learn more.

Write-on Video for Android is available now on the Google Play Store! Write-on Video is a simple and intuitive video editor that will help you create video outlines, export YouTube timestamps, and tell your story.

There are thousands of videos being made and published on social media every day. With all of this content being released daily, why is a video still on top of every marketer’s agenda? Because according to statistics, 52% of marketers have stated that creating videos has allowed them to build better trust with their current and potential customers. Therefore, not only is creating a video is an essential way to convey your ideas, but you also need to make sure that your videos can stand out from the crowd.

Comment function of a video editor app called write-on video

It may take a bit of time and planning to create great videos. Your creative process must begin with a clear structure and appealing narrative, which is why Write-on Video has implemented the exact steps that will lead you to success. This includes features to help plan out your stories such as Pods and Storyboard Outlines. Planning your video beforehand will help you properly structure your story to create an outstanding video. Creating quality videos to tell a story can open the door for so many great opportunities, and now video making has become even easier with Write-on Video for Android.

How To Tell A Good Story

“Storytelling is our obligation to the next generation. If all we are doing is marketing, we are doing a disservice, and not only to our profession, but to our children, and their children. Give something of meaning to your audience by inspiring, engaging, and educating them with the story. Stop marketing. Start storytelling.”

– Laura Holloway, Founder & Chief of The Storyteller Agency

Telling a compelling story is the most powerful and effective way to influence the actions of others. Evoking emotions in your audience through storytelling is infinitely more effective than plain or “salesy” messages- and listeners will act or behave based on those feelings. Hire high-quality lead generation services at this stage, which will help you grow your audience and engage your customers through your brand. For instance, if you run a real estate business, you should choose from your niche – real estate lead services related to your industry. You can enhance your lead generation efforts in the real estate industry by implementing a specialized real estate agent CRM system.

The best way to tell an effective story starts by nailing the basic structure and the narrative.

The Basic Structure Of A Story

The basic structure includes the opening, the climax, and the solution. The opening is when the problem is introduced, and where you can set the scene of the situation that is about to take place. This is a great time to relate to your audience based on what you know about their current situation.

The climax is the most exciting, intense, or important part of the story. This is when the problem is being solved. It’s important to use this time to focus your audience’s attention.

Finally, we have the end, which is the solution to the original problem. This is when you share how the character was able to overcome the original problem or the lesson that was gained from the challenge. The ending is where a majority of the persuasion takes place. This is when you can guide the audience to think or behave a certain way based on what you say the character did. This is the most simple structure of storytelling, but when portrayed the right way, will have an extraordinary impact. Therefore, some companies would hire explainer video companies that specialize in employing such methods to create narratives that resonate with viewers and generate action.

Narrative Structure Of A Story

Freytag's pyramid to explain the structure of a story


The narrative structure is the underlying manner in which the plot and setting of the story are being told. The narrative structure of a story is broken down into five parts: includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

The exposition is setting up the story by giving any background information and describing the scene of the story. Ultimately, it is used to set the story in motion.

The rising action is outlying the problems that the character will have to overcome throughout the story.

The climax is the turning point of the story. This is when the character is facing the problem at its peak and will have to make a decision or take action to overcome the problem.

The falling action takes place after the decision or action of the character has taken place, and shows how this action was able to solve the problem. The resolution is the final part of the story, in which the problem is solved and the lesson of the story is completed.

You can better plan out your story using a video outline to ensure that your video encompasses all of the pieces of your story. Write-on Video, unlike other video editors, provides the features you need to properly plan the pre-production video outline.

Write-on Video, the Video Planner and Editor 

Write-on Video allows anyone who has a mobile phone or tablet to be a visual storyteller. It was designed to be used on mobile devices, which makes it so easy to edit videos on your phone. The features available on the app have simplified the most important aspects of video editing, including pre-production, post-film editing, and publishing.


On Write-on Video, Pods are a crucial part of setting up your story. They allow you to break up your video scene by scene by uploading materials and adding notes to each pod. Pods are a simple and effective way to plan out your video by scene.


the indication image of storyboard function from a video editor called write-on video

The storyboard allows you to present your video outline with ease. Once your full video outline is created, you can export your outline as a storyboard. Then whenever you make comments on your video, these comments will also be shown on the storyboard.

Animated Stickers & Captions

animated stickers feature from a video editor app called write-on video

After the video is shot, it is now time to edit. Editing a video has never been easier than with Write-on Video for Android. Add animated stickers throughout your video to liven up your story. Choose from dozens of different stickers that will look great in your final video. Also, use captions to better tell the story of your video. Whether it is used to write out dialogue, to tell the setting, or just to describe the plot in further detail. Captions are a great way to add the final touches to your video.


popular social media platforms that can post videos

Now that your video is finished, it is time to publish your content to show off to the world. Based on the website or social media channel you plan to publish your video to, you can select from multiple files and screen sizes. Also, because you already set up the structure of your video, you can easily input YouTube timestamps into your video, to create the best viewing experience for your audience.

Let Your Video Content Accelerate Engagement

For any marketing professionals, creating videos is such a key aspect of content marketing. Being able to actively tell your story through video is not only more engaging for your audience, but will also establish a higher level of trust between your brand and the audience.

The best way to effectively tell a story is to set up a storyboard so you can plan each step of the way. Your videos can be effectively constructed by starting with the simple storyboard and Pods features.

Using Write-on Video as your video editor will not only give you ease of access to all of the great features that are offered but will allow you to create high-quality, effective marketing videos.

Android users can download Write-on Video Today!

Write-on Video for Android