Business Growth Depends on Quality Content: Tips for Telling Better Digital Stories

More, more, more!

This seems to have been the slogan of companies and digital content creators in recent years.

In an era that’s becoming increasingly competitive and concerned about excess, the idea of “more and more,” as it relates to creating content, should be replaced with “more…but better.”

Why is it so important that companies learn how to create better content? According to SOURCE:

  • 80% of users who can’t find a particular piece of product information will abandon their shopping cart
  • 87% of shoppers will never return to an online store displaying poor content
  • Another 87% of users do not trust brands that provide only a little information

Content consistently proves itself to be one of the most important factors for brands and companies positioning themselves in the online (and offline) market by boosting their visibility, popularity, and trustworthiness.

According to a Shotfarm study of 1,500 users, the quality of product information is directly related to sales conversion. Poor content creates greater distrust in customers, increases the number of product returns, and leads to fewer conversions in the store or on the website. Continue reading “Business Growth Depends on Quality Content: Tips for Telling Better Digital Stories”

Start The 2020’s The S.M.A.R.T. Way!

The 2010’s are in the books, and it’s time to start thinking about how we can make the next decade even more successful than the last one!

A popular goal-setting technique is to set SMART Goals. What are S.M.A.R.T. goals? They are goals that are:

  • Specific–goals should have clear objectives for you and your team to strive for.
  • Measurable–to gauge the success of your team, there should be qualitative metrics.
  • Achievable–goals need to be reasonable, or else they will seem too far-fetched to even be attempted.
  • Relevant–clear, reasonable, and measurable goals mean nothing if they don’t serve to accomplish a specific business objective that will advance you, your team, and your organization.
  • Time-bound–deadlines are crucial because they hold you and your team accountable, and give you a chance to set new goals based on performance.

Continue reading “Start The 2020’s The S.M.A.R.T. Way!”