Types Of Remote Editing Jobs And How To Find One

Read on to learn the different types of remote editing jobs, as well as provide some resources for finding remote jobs in the industry.

An income and an interesting job without the hassle of annoying coworkers and long commutes — all from the comfort of your own home… Who wouldn’t want to be a remote worker? 

Remote job searching has been steadily on the rise, even before working-from-home became the norm with COVID-19. Remote work, or “working from home,” involves working from anywhere in the world for a client or employer. The remote working industry takes advantage of advanced technology to match employers with potential employees. Internet access is the only thing you need to find a job. Many remote working programs also end up hiring remote freelancers for full-time remote positions as well. 

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How I Made a Video Resume Without Filming Myself

It’s important to separate yourself from the sea of applications as a job candidate. A video resume allows you to express personality, show interpersonal skills, and display your public speaking to an employer, where the traditional written resume does not. Matching your personality and attitude with the culture of a company has become increasingly more important when selecting candidates for a new position. Being able to display this firsthand through a video resume will not only help the employer but will ensure that the applicant will be matched with an appropriate role. Using simple editing software can give you the tools needed to create a professional, yet attention-grabbing resume. An effective video resume will impress the hiring manager and may give the extra push needed to secure the position.

A video resume is a brief account of the experience, qualifications, and interests of a job applicant that is submitted to an employer in a video format. Continue reading “How I Made a Video Resume Without Filming Myself”